

poniedziałek, 11 maja 2020

Film recommendations and everything else

The year 2020 is definitely not going to be the year I will remember in a good way. Not to mention  the global pandemic and everything else,  the moment I’m writing this post, I have just found out that £300 had been stolen from my bank account. So I spent an hour on the line with my bank to try to explain it and to block my bank card. The problem is that sending a letter to another  country is nothing you can be sure of right now, so I don’t know exactly when I will get a new card. Lovely. Lucky me. What else can I say? Thank God for Apple Pay.
However, I don’t want to waste this post on complaining only,  that’s why I have decided to write about movie recommendations. This is the list of films and shows I have been watching lately.

Money Heist
I’m a fan of Spanish tv shows, so I finally had to watch the famous La Casa De Papel. The two first seasons  were just pure entertainment. The story was very interesting, so I basically watched it in two days. The characters were pretty three-dimensional,   considering the fact it is an action show. However, the season 3 and season 4 seemed much more boring to me, which is ironic,  since their budge was apparently much bigger.

The O.C.
Oh, I love The O.C. so much. It’s the first thought that popped  up in my head. The music in this show is awesome and is always matching , including the opening. The whole tv series promotes outsiders,  which wasn’t actually  that popular in the 2000s. The houses are beautiful. And last, but not least - Seth Cohen, his sense of humour and very 2000s sense of fashion  are  the reasons why this is so worth watching.

The Affair
I used to say that Lost and Friends  were my favourite tv series. Well, I think I have to add The Affair to this list. The way the characters are portrayed in this show is brilliant. Every single situation is presented from two different perspectives. It is fascinating how two people can remember the same moment in a  totally contrasting way. Moreover, the series focuses on  important events,  such as #metoo or the climate change. Only season 3 was a little bit boring to me, but except for that, watching The Affair was an absolute pleasure.

I am so happy that  films like Parasite  get an Oscar. The story portrayed in this picture is, in my opinion, so atypical for  an Oscar film, it is really refreshing. The film is so simple and witty at the same time and  there are  so many turning points in it, that even without a socio-political background I would probably enjoy it.

The Loudest Voice and The Morning Show
I put these two series together as the their main themes  are quite similar. I have watched The Morning Show first and I actually loved it. The show was dramatic and funny, the acting was at the highest level – it’s worth  spending  a couple of hours to  see it. And, to be honest, I would watch everything with Steve Carell.
However, The Loudest Voice is even better. Maybe because it focuses on  current events, but Russel Crowe still takes a lot of credit for the positive reviews.

My Brilliant Friend
I have watched season 1 for now, but what I like about the show is the attitude of the two main characters. They both appreciate the power of education, although in a totally different manner.  An interesting fact about the whole series  concerns the author of the books - Elena Ferrante. No one knows what  her (?) actual identity is.

M jak miłość
I am not sure why I’m actually writing about it in English. Haha I think that the world  should  hear about it (if someone is even reading it).
Okay, it’s a bit ‘controversial’, but watching the old episodes from early 2000s of one of the most popular Polish soap operas has actually been my life saver  for the last months. Nothing makes me happier. I know. I KNOW! Even my mum is laughing at me (it's irony, obviously 😂).

Handsome as always 🤣 THIS haircut

Young and fabulous 🤣

Missing McDonald's?

Extra Bonus 😂Throwback! Young and fabulous (part 2) 

sobota, 12 listopada 2016

Blue jeans

fot. BuckaStone
Zawsze byłam jedną z tych dziewczyn, które wolą nosić sukienki niż spodnie. Nigdy nie potrafiłam zrozumieć opinii, że te drugie są wygodniejsze. Zdecydowanie nie dla mnie. Mogłabym cały czas nosić mój ulubiony zestaw, czyli sukienkę i czarne, kryte rajstopy. Jeśli już miałabym włożyć  spodnie,to najlepiej czarne rurki albo po prostu legginsy.

I always was one of those girls who prefered dresses than trousers. I have never understood the opinion that the second one are more comfortable. I could wear my favourite set – dress and black tights all the time. If I wear trousers generally it’s black skinny jeans or just leggings. 

fot. BuckaStone
Jednak muszę przyznać, że trochę zazdroszczę dziewczynom, które tak świetnie prezentują się w "mom jeans" lub boyfriendach. Jak w takich spodniach pewnie wyglądałabym fatalnie. A może nie tyle wyglądała, co się tak czuła. Wiem, ze nie nosiłabym takich spodni. Jedyny raz w życiu kupiłam sobie jeansy tego rodzaju i miałam je na sobie może ze trzy razy.
Jeśli już mam nosić spodnie, to tylko rurki. Te ze zdjęć kupiłam jakiś czas temu na wyprzedaży w Topshopie. Tak naprawdę to nie spodnie, tylko jeginnsy. Jak dla mnie to zdecydowanie wygodniejsza opcja.

However, I have to admit that I envy girls, who look great in boyfriend and ‘mom jeans’. I don’t look good in this type of trousers. And probably I would feel bad. Once in a lifetime I bought this type of jeans. I was wearing them maybe three times.
Only skinny jeans are a good choice for me. This one from the photos I bought a few months ago at Topshop’s sale. In fact this is not trousers, but jeggings. It is far more comfortable option for me.

 fot. BuckaStone

fot. BuckaStone
 fot. BuckaStone

poniedziałek, 23 maja 2016

You can make it in your kitchen

Uwielbiam czytać blogi poświęcone pielęgnacji cery. Najbardziej interesują mnie w nich treści poświęcone kosmetykom, które można zrobić samemu. Oto kilka moich ulubionych przepisów i produktów.

I love to read blogs about the skin care. This is what interests me the most - ideas on how to make some beauty products by  yourself. Here are some of my favorite recipes and products.

Na pierwszym miejscu znajduje się u mnie peeling kawowy do ciała. Kiedy nie mam pod ręką żadnego z moich ulubionych cukrowych peelingów, po prostu sięgam po kawę, sól i cynamon. Należy wymieszać dwie garście kawy z dwoma garściami soli i dodać półtorej łyżeczki cynamonu. Bezpośrednio pod prysznicem wystarczy połączyć naszą mieszankę z wodą. Peeling sprawdza się znakomicie.

The first place for me is a coffee scrub for the body. When I don’t have at hand any of my favorite sugar scrubs, i just reach for some coffee, salt and cinnamon. All you have to do is to mix two handfuls of coffee with two handfuls of salt and add a half of teaspoon of cinnamon. Directly in the shower you just  combine this mix with water. This peeling can work miracles.   

Kolejny na mojej liście jest peeling fasolką adzuki. No dobrze, ten składnik nie każdy ma w swojej kuchni. Jednak można go nabyć za naprawdę nieduże pieniądze. Fasolkę trzeba zmielić na drobno, a następnie jej garść wymieszać z olejkiem z owoców dzikiej róży lub z wodą. Adzuki świetnie sprawdza się jako delikatny peeling do twarzy i działa przeciwzmarszczkowo. 

 The next on my list is an adzuki beans peeling. Well, not everyone has this component  in his kitchen. However, it can be purchased for really small money. We need to grind beans finely and then mix a handful of it with some rose oil or with water. Adzuki peeling is excellent as a gentle scrub for face and has an anti-wrinkles working.

Maseczka aspirynowa ma za zdanie oczyścić cerę.Cztery tabletki aspiryny należy zalać wodą, tak by spulchniały. Do nich wystarczy dodać łyżeczkę jogurtu naturalnego. Maseczkę powinno się zostawić na twarzy na około 15 minut, a następnie zmyć. Przy okazji można wykonać peeling twarzy.

Aspirin mask aims to clean our skin. We need to pour water over four pills of aspirin to make them spongy. Next we add one teaspoon of a natural yoghurt to them. In the last step we just leave the mask on the face for about 15 minutes and then wash it off. In the same time, we can make a peeling.

"Kosmetykiem", który nadaje się prawie do wszystkiego jest olej kokosowy. Można stosować go jako balsam do ciała, maseczkę do włosów, a także produkt do demakijażu. O dziwo, w moim przypadku szczególnie to ostatnie zastosowanie sprawdza się znakomicie. Zawsze, gdy skończy mi się mój typowy olejek do mycia twarzy używam oleju kokosowego.

Pozostając przy olejach, warto wspomnieć o tym, że są one idealnymi produktami do demakijażu. Szczególnie zdrowe dla cery są mieszanki kilku olejów. Świetnie się sprawdza przykładowo olej z orzecha włoskiego połączony z olejkiem rycynowym. A także doskonały olej jojoba.

"Cosmetic", which is suitable for almost everything is a coconut oil. It can be used as a body lotion, hair mask, and the make-up remover. Strangely enough, in my case especially the last application works perfectly. Whenever I finish my typical facial oil cleanser I go for the coconut oil.

Staying with oils, it is worth mentioning that they are ideal products for removing make-up. Especially healthy for the skin are a mixtures of several oils. For example walnut oil combined with a castor oil works great. Also excellent is a  jojoba oil.  

PS. Oszczędzę widoku żałosnych zdjęć tych wszystkich mieszanek i tego, jaki bałagan robię, podczas ich przyrządzania. 

PS.  I will spare you watching the pathetic photos of all these mixtures and the mess that I'm doing during their preparation.